Victoria A. Zaborova
Department of Clinical Medicine, Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow, Russian FederationPublications
Research Article
Correction of Exam Stress in University Students by Short-Term Inhalation of Xenon-Oxygen Mixture
Author(s): Gaisa T. Kairov, Vladimir V. Udut, Konstantin G. Gurevich*, Victoria A. Zaborova and Vladimir P. Fisenko
Background: It is known that studying at a higher educational institution is inevitably associated with the impact of constant mental overload, chronic emotional stress, and a number of other aggressive factors among which exam stress occupies a special place. Aim: To study the efectiveness of treating exam stress in students with short-term inhalation of xenon-oxygen mixture. Materials and methods: The study involved 100 healthy male volunteers–5th year students of a higher educational institution. Of these, 50 volunteers aged 22-25 and weighing 75.0 kg ± 4.3 kg constituted the main group, and the control group was represented by 50 healthy volunteers aged 20-24 weighting 4.0 kg ± 2.9 kg. The study of the level of exam stress, hormonal status and the state of the tone of the autonomic nerv.. Read More»