Sergey L Leonchuk
Department of Psychiatry, The State‐Financed Institution Kurgan Regional Neuro‐Psychiatric Hospital, Smirnova Street, Kurgan, RussiaPublications
Clinical axis “Schizoidia‐Hyperthymia”
Author(s): Sergey L Leonchuk*
The structure of the nervous psyche reflects the energy processes of the brain. The article proposes the clinical axis "schizoidia – hyperthymia", which is based on the continuum of energy efficiency of the basal structures of the brain. The schizoid structure of the nervous psyche is formed at a low energy level, and the hyperthymia structure of the nervous psyche at a high energy level of functioning of the basal structures of the brain. The constitutional features of the body structure, temperament and nuclear character traits are determined by the innate level of neuro-energy processes in these structures... Read More»