
ISSN: 1935-1232 (P)

ISSN: 1941-2010 (E)

Nicholas M. Brdar
Department of Social Work, South University Avenue, Ann Arbor, USA


  • Original Research Article   
    Relationships between Psychosis Symptoms, Psychosocial Factors, and Depression among Individuals in an Early Phase of Psychosis Illness
    Author(s): Joshaua Holzworth*, Nicholas M. Brdar and Lindsay A. Bornheimer

    Background: Depressive symptoms are common within schizophrenia spectrum disorder populations, yet few studies have examined the various factors and symptoms relating to depression in an early phase of illness. This study examined a model of psychosocial factors (distress, peer rejection, emotional support, perceived hostility), psychosis symptoms (positive, negative, general), and depression among individuals in an early phase of p sychosis illness. Methods: Data were obtained from the Human Connectome Project for Early Psychosis (HCP-EP) including 183 individuals between the ages of 16 and 35 at the time of consent and met criteria for having onset of affective or non-affective psychosis within 5 years. Clinical assessments and questionnaires were administered, and data were analyzed in SPSS and MPlus. Results: P.. Read More»
    DOI: 10.3371/CSRP.HJNB.032924

    Abstract HTML PDF